What to Do to Defer a Lexus Payment?
April 27 2020, Lexus Laval

If you have been impacted by the current COVID-19 situation, know that you are not alone and that there are options for you. If you need a Lexus payment deferral, here's what to do.
Each case will be assessed one by one. To find out if you can get a deferred payment, contact Lexus Financial at 1-800-26-Lexus. You will then have access to an advisor who can guide you and see with you the different options available to you.
In addition, if you cannot return your lease, you can request a lease extension by contacting your Lexus Laval dealer. We can work with you to extend your lease so that you can return in a few weeks when things have returned a little more to normal.
Contact us to learn more, we are always there for you!